This week's tomfoolery (which is short for the beginning of the week, cause we were asked to do this today) ...
- (Monday) Photo album went live for admins and the like. Bug fixes and new feature additions and modifications on that primarily.
- (Tuesday) Ditto.
- (Wednesday) Started taking a look at the code for joeuser, took note on where to start and how. Photo album goes live, admins are happy, the rest of the populous cant use it. Used super-human powers to fix a few logic errors not encountered on the test site.
- (Thursday) Had the mini-office to myself. Rocked out with some 311 while kicking serious butt on the joeuser conversion to Got the main page rendering properly - 9 new user controls to replace the html spewing functions from classic. Wrote the tablink bar. Also wrote CPageBase, CControlBase, CUtilities, CLayout and CGlobals. Rewriting most of the global variables as member variables of a new PageGlobals struct, keeping those pesky .net globals out of memory. The variables which didnt make it into PageGlobals are properties and/or protected variables of CPage/CControlBase.
- (Friday) Decided that the tablink bar needed to be extensible. Spent the morning on a failed attempt at writing it into an extensible control due to a poor understanding of the original code. Second attempt owns. Dynamicly determines which images to use for tab edges and how to display each tab. Minimal programmer interaction, maximum coolness factor. While the code for the original function sits at 424 lines of code, the new base uc_tablinkbar control code rests at 92 lines, and the uc_tablink control rests at 52 lines. Three times less code, and about a beelyon times less logic tests.
JR insists I wish everyone a happy 311 day.