hi all, i just bought the original game 2 days ago and my wife has been killing me about my time on the comp. and i just got married last 2months ago.
having problems getting this fantastic sounding mod to work. here is my situation and i hope anyone out there can help me get this to work.
1. downloaded the updates and patches for vanilla sin earlier today
2. bought entrenchment via impulse and downloaded fine (just for this mod)
3. however, when i take a look at the folders to download reqiuem, there isnt a 'mod folder' in this latest patch from impulse.
so, i just downloaded the zip file in the entrenchment folder. unzip it and nothing when i run the game. so i go back to the 'db.imperial' website and follow the instructions. nothing. im running windows xp so i follow the instructions as best as possible. so when i get to step 5, the comp doesnt recognize the info im putting in from the game mod locater (c:\document and settings...)
any help?
btw, i have the 1.18 for the sins and 1.41 for the entrechment