Hi guys,
Just another initial report - pretty similar to what others have posted.
AMD Athlon 64 3700 San Diego core
SB Audigy
WinXP SP2 with minimal services running
SoaSE settings:
32 bit
All settings maxed except AA which I left off (just preference, it ran OK with 2 sample as well but I haven't tried 4 sample yet).
I set the display manually in the .settings file after it crashed, all OK there. I also got the intro movie bug, the advised workaround solved that.
Then I played the gameplay tutorial. It was a short game, but performance was pretty good and it seemed stable. It looks pretty good.
I had no sound issues and I had no graphics issues. Total running time was perhaps 30 minutes. That is already better than some boxed games I have purchased. Nice work!
Other comments so far:
The mouse camera control system is very odd to use. Perhaps it will grow on me, but finding views was difficult. I think I read that there was a way to attach it to an object, so when I can I will try to find that.
The text boxes are right in the way in the tutorials, as you have tasks to complete such as wiping out pirates. Can they be minimised in some way?