I'd love to sign up, if you would accept me, but I've been hesitant to join the actual internet online scene (been only playing with friends over LAN) due to the inevitable failings of internet play.
Quite simply, while the introduction is sufficiently brilliantly designed (I would assume the Dawz would be the graphic designer mentioned. ), it doesn't actually contain that much information.
We would love to accept you, if you signed up
And aye, we agree it doesn't contain too much information. It was designed to entice people onto a further point of contact, that being our forums, were we could fill you in with any questions you may have and get to know you better. To that extent it does it job well
But since you ask some very valid points that other potentials would inevitably like to know I'll do my best to answer them all.
How many members would you look for? Certainly there has to be a benchmark before overpopulation sets in. In this manner, would you be a large clan or something more along the lines of a club?
Well being a new corp with our member base under 10 members we haven't even thought about such things. I guess we will cross this bridge when we come to it.
Although in spite saying that I'm also a member of another community from a game called eve-online. The competitive clans or corporations as they call them there run into there hundreds then some cases thousands.
The "corporation" I've helped run for a number of years has had 100+ members and in the old days more so I have experience in organizing such things "if" our members ever got that big I don't foresee it being a problem. There would be way to separate the casual gamers to the competitive ones for example.
Attendance? Do members have to play frequently?
Do you guys play for fun or play for sport? If you play for sport, are all members required to participate in clan matches?
The key issue's here before anything else is a persons maturity and "Honor". We believe things like skill level can be trained/Learnt. As a rule its hard to change someone's attitude and we wont stand for name calling, bullying, gloating etc and members will be swiftly booted.
The point being so long as your respectful etc we will be willing to accept you. We wont force attendance or competitive play. At the same time I myself love this side of the game and I know other members this is the case also. I foresee us picking a competitive team or asking who would like to partake in such things. It wont be forced or expected.
We will have a degree of abtitude/skill in the competitive arena. How it will be done is yet to be decided but it will happen and we will also welcome the casual gamers. After all when your recruiting more mature players, people have families jobs etc. Real life comes first.
Is there a hierarchy or bureaucracy that members have to abide by?
Hierarchy, we have members, officers and 2 founders. Officers and Founders, call this the command team, will be in charge of the greater running of the corp and more officers will be made as our numbers grow. The running of the corp will be done on votes and opinions of all members. Everything will be discussed, but the final say will come from an agreement in the command team. Basically everything will be decided by a group of people, not one person.
As for bureaucracy, as I've been mentioning, Maturity, respect & "honor". Bad mouthing, gloating or disrespect to any of the sins community WILL no be tolerated.
Clan forum membership? MSN, IRC, AIM, Teamspeak; are there any other mediums of communication that members have to use?
We have a site auraofhonor.co.nr which host's our forums. We have been using a mixture of MSN/Yahoo messengers and we have our own Teamspeak server. Surfice to say we have good communication.
Clan rules beyond just mature behaviour. Evidently a body is defined by the rules, so it's impossible to have an organization to run properly with only a mission statement.
As you mentioned as it stands its maturity before anything else. Were in the process of setting up a greater set of rules which will be found on our forums.
I think I'll put these all into a FAQ on our forums. Great questions. I'll answer more later. I need to go now, Organising a trip to London for Easter but I hope this answers most of your questions.