I just picked up the game and decided to work on my skills with TEC. I wanted to raise this topic for discussion; what capital ships do you prefer?
I normally choose the colonial ship first so that I can acquire asteroids and other easy pickins for my empire and gather more resources. Does anybody choose another first? Why?
What I build next changes from time to time, but I prefer the bombardment capital ship, because oh do I love to watch enemy planets engulfed in firestorms. Carriers seem kind of annoying to me, but embargo is a nice skill. If I feel that I need a tough ship to trudge through a hectic war, I usually pick the standard battleship. However, I've never picked the Dunov support capital ship before, though the AI seems to like it quite a bit.
What capital ships do you build in what order? Why?
I guess I'll start off formally,
1. Akkan Battlecruiser - quick acquisition of new colonies and targeting support for a fleet
2. Marza Dreadnought - heavy damage, quickly wipes out enemy colonies
3. Kol Battleship - tough centerpiece for a defense/support fleet