So I take it you don't like fighting against the Thalans?
The Pink Blob of Doom affect itself is harsh, ground combat against them....yeah, I send in underlings vs them, I don't leave the ship.
As for Them, ginormous bugs aren't too bad. It's moreso the small ones that freak me out. I'm looking at you SciFi and you're "Black Swarm" & "Deadly Swarm" movies....~cringes~
My back yard has too many (more than 0 is too many) flowers in it due to my wife. Heck, the friggin clove and dandylions are too much. Friggin bees all over the place during the spring/summer. No wonder I love winter soo much. I literally freak out and get shivvers over seeing a bee around me.
My wife is afraid of zombies. She's never seen a 'fast zombie' movie to even begin to give good reason. All her zombies have been the feet shufflers. WHY be afraid of something you can run circles around doing a crab-walk? And heck, they aren't even REAL....bees are REAL!!!!