Well, you have to change a little bit more to do it proper. For example:maxNumLevels 3levelSourceType "Intrinsic"minExperienceLevelRequired Level:0 0.000000 Level:1 2.000000 Level:2 4.000000For a generic capital ship ability, vs:maxNumLevels 1levelSourceType "ResearchWithoutBase"improveSourceResearchSubject "RESEARCHSUBJECT_ABILITYACCESS_CLUSTERWARHEADS"For an ability unlocked through research, vs:maxNumLevels 1levelSourceType "FixedLevel0"For an ability that starts out on a ship. So if you just changed Intrinsic to FixedLevel0 but didn't remove the minExperienceLevelRequired, I could see why it would minidump. If it still doesn't work, can you post the text from your ability file? To elimite the chance of errors from other stuff, when you test this just use an already present buff.. like, attach the Kol's AbilityGaussBlast to a Cobalt or something to try changing Intrinsic > FixedLevel0
Also got a minidump when removing minexperiencelevelrequired.
entityType "Ability"
buffInstantActionType "ApplyTargettedBuffToSelf"
instantActionTriggerType "AlwaysPerform"
buffType "BuffAsgardBeamCharge"
numOwnerships 1
ownership "Enemy"
numObjects 3
object "CapitalShip"
object "Frigate"
object "PlanetModule"
numConstraints 0
Level:0 5000.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
attachType "Invalid"
smallEffectName ""
largeEffectName ""
soundID ""
needsToFaceTarget TRUE
canCollideWithTarget TRUE
moveThruTarget FALSE
isUltimateAbility FALSE
maxNumLevels 1
levelSourceType "Intrinsic"
Level:0 0.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
aiUseTime "OnlyInCombat"
aiUseTargetCondition "Any"
isAutoCastAvailable TRUE
isAutoCastOnByDefault TRUE
pickRandomPlanetToExploreForAutoCastTarget FALSE
ignoreNonCombatShipsForAutoCastTarget TRUE
onlyAutoCastWhenDamageTakenExceedsPerc 0.000000
isPassive FALSE
Level:0 1.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
Level:0 2.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
NumResearchPrerequisites 0
infoCardIcon ""
This file works exactly like it should. Proper damage, etc. Just like I want, but as soon as I change 'Intrinsic' to 'FixedLevel0' I get a minidump as well as when I remove minexperiencelevel required.
String not found? Thats a string issue, not an ability issue. Abilities and buff are, in my opinion, the hardest .entity files to work with. I strongly suggest getting a working mod made, without the abilities, first, then add to it. The strings are the first thing you should learn about if you intend on putting any new... anything, in the game. Abilities, Ships, Planets, Names, Descriptions, etc, etc... all use strings, so it is imperative you learn how they work.
And one more priceless tip;
Use the Vanilla files for references.
So you know the abilities that are available "right off the bat". Find them, and look through them. Break them down into sections, compare them to the file you are working on (I use Compare It!, nice (and free) program to do this with), and see whats different. Change accordingly, and then see if it works. If it doesn't work, and you are out of ideas, then pop on here and paste the problematic ability file in, we can have a look, and probably help you out further, definitely a lot more than a simple "Tried that...minidump. Don't know why."
That's what I thought at first, it being a string issue, but I have 'IsWatchedFilesON TRUE' so changes occur in game. And if I have the FixedLevel0, etc. in the file, it will say 'String Not Found.' But then when I tab out, change fixedlevel, etc. back to what I have posted, it works right and the string is found. Here's the minidump error file. I can't make sense of it. Maybe somebody else can.
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: aiUseTime
Line Number:29
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Failed to convert '' to an enum value.
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: aiUseTargetCondition
Line Number:30
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Failed to convert '' to an enum value.
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: isAutoCastAvailable
Line Number:31
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: isAutoCastOnByDefault
Line Number:32
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: pickRandomPlanetToExploreForAutoCastTarget
Line Number:33
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: ignoreNonCombatShipsForAutoCastTarget
Line Number:34
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: onlyAutoCastWhenDamageTakenExceedsPerc
Line Number:35
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: isPassive
Line Number:36
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: antiMatterCost
Line Number:37
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: cooldownTime
Line Number:38
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: researchPrerequisites
Line Number:39
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: nameStringID
Line Number:40
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: descStringID
Line Number:41
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: hudIcon
Line Number:42
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: smallHudIcon
Line Number:43
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\AbilityAsgardBeams.entity
Label: infoCardIcon
Line Number:44
Line Contents:minExperienceLevelRequired
[16:16:58] 'canWeaponEffectHitHull' and 'canWeaponEffectHitShields' only make sense whent then ImpactOffsetType is 'RandomMesh'. If the impact isn't on the mesh then these values are ignored.[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\RESEARCHSUBJECT_ASGARDTREATY.entity
Label: PerLevelCostIncrease
Line Number:20
Line Contents:Tier 1
[16:16:58] Text FileArchive missing Label.
File: C:\Users\Derek\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods\Stargate Invasion\GameInfo\RESEARCHSUBJECT_ASGARDTREATY1.entity
Label: PerLevelCostIncrease
Line Number:23
Line Contents:Tier 2
[16:17:33] Failed to find StringID: ''. NOTE: Any following StringID failures will be supressed.
[16:18: 6] CAPITALSHIP_HUMAN304 has weapon:1 damage in FRONT bank but no weapon points
[16:18: 6] CAPITALSHIP_HUMAN304 has weapon:2 damage in FRONT bank but no weapon points
[16:18: 6] CAPITALSHIP_HUMAN304 has weapon:2 damage in LEFT bank but no weapon points
[16:18: 6] CAPITALSHIP_HUMAN304 has weapon:2 damage in RIGHT bank but no weapon points