Below is text taken from recruitment request for a clan and Ive moved it out to this one thread so many clans can more clearly see the thread and see if Im suitable.
Just thought I would voice my interest in your clan. Heres the situation, Im 28 years of age, I am looking for a relaxed easy going bunch of people with minimal bickering. I can use TS or vent etc , but Im more of a listener than a speaker and am generally a quiet person. I love gaming but I will be honest I aint too good at strats, in fact in some respects borderline garbage lol. Heres the thing though, I LOVE sins thus far and although Im a casual player I really want to learn and get some tips how to be a better strat player and more adaptable. Other games such as RPGS are more my forte.
I dont have any expectations regarding any clan other than been a nice bunch of people and having a couple of people in the clan who are willing to put up with someone who is just a begginer in the odd MP game(i.e me ). I am willing to learn but have never really played strats with any people that are good for any length of time and I think thats why before sins I havent met my potential with strats. I know I will stick with sins though since I love the game speed and the fact that 1 rushed battle doesnt dictate the game as a whole. I would still be willing to learn rush tactics though and in fact I wont to expand my playstyle as a whole.
In regards to real life I have qualifications as a software developer , have worked with a good few languages out with college self teaching myself and I am very soon starting a degree. Ow and Im in the UK
Look forward to hearing from you!
P.S Notice some of the clans seem to be aiming to get noticed in a way which means all the ladder games are going to be fast when they happen. Sure I want to learn to play fast games but my preferance is huge maps normal speed where I will be getting to know someone and having an epic battle of grand scale perhaps which takes multiple sittings to finish.(Realise that may not be viable until the sync problems get sorted). Maps wise I want to get good with random maps , that would be my end goal since I think thats going to take alot of skill to be able to adapt dependant on a given enviroment, good or bad.
Thanks for reading.