Im actually going to check out the one between GE and clanX , just Im sure I read a comment saying the game was played to a high level , I feel Im getting better at the game, finally got a decent defense with TEC and just absorbed all attacks and the tide is turning . Anyway I feel watching a clan match like below should hopefully really help! Cheers! (Seems more replays have been added since I last checked?)
I will see how this game with ai goes and maybe will put one up for scrutiny. Its just Im playing FFA with like 8 AIs or somethimng and Im handling pressure from 2 to 3 factions attacking and am about ready to take 2 planets, have them hemmed in and the resources and trade routes I have turned into a 24/7 warzone . I went off TEC a bit but after this game on a huge map, man I am REALLY having fun! I may add at least one of the races attacking me is advent and they have a hell of alot of ships . I realise its just AI and my strat wouldnt work MP but maybe it will give some people struggling to beat ai when theres lots of them an alternate way. (I want to perfect my game maybe though with TEC against the ai before I ask to upload)
Currently Im under 3 hours into the game have 5 systems and all other ai have 2 to 4 , my ally ai also has a decent amount. So im hoping I can finish them really soon.
Will maybe post back tommorow after I have watched the replay + going to a friends tonight for a drink

so will try and get him to get sins hehe