Emperor1G - I'm sensing some hostility
Can you give us an example of a game that you are glad you payed the princely sum of $40 for? One that came perfectly balanced and met all possible expectations right out of the box? We'd really like to play that game too, so let us know ASAP.
What about one where the prez of the coproduction company responded to your rant (albeit to disagree) within the day? How about one where there were 5 patches within 4 months of release in response to community feedback? Or one where those patches addressed minor irritations as well as gamebreakers?
Point out that game, please, the one you seem to feel you have played somewhere else. The one we are all certain you are entitled to, having earned it through measured, insightful argument and hard work.
I'm sorry, chief, but this game rocks. It rocks hard, single player, multiplayer, bugs, warts and all. And it's only getting better, because that's how the dev team is making it, at their own pace because there are 9 of them and 400,000 of us, and because they actually take pride in their work.
Meanwhile you, Emperor1G, are going to spend your money on all those other, better-supported games to which you are entitled. Give me names, buddy. Put your money where your mouth is and give me a title for that magnificent game or games. I haven't found one better yet, but you obviously have, so spill.