....and once again I get to
repeat myself! *sigh*
1. You don't have to be a "computer whiz" in order to host, you simply need to know how to read:
Networking and SINS2. As has been pointed out many, many, many times on these forums now... Patch 1.1 will introduce new NAT-T type (NAT traversal) optional netcode so that those who
can't (because they're at a university dorm) or those who
won't (because they can't read or simply can't be bothered to expend some effort to compliment that of the volunteers who've assembled the information for them) follow the steps needed at the moment will then be able to host/play/migrate without the need for any more effort than clicking a button!
Life will soon be eutopian!
the Monk
Oh and by the way. The 30 or so games I've played online since release-day (Feb 4th/08) I've played with people I know and who've followed my instructions. I've always maintained that since SINS is P2P (the host doesn't really "host" anything he just "syncs" all of the players together)
all players should set themselves up as if to host, in an effort to ensure stable network communications. Patch 1.1 will of course negate the need to follow any of my instructions.
Following my own advice, I haven't had a mini-dump, failed migration or any other headache other than getting my ass handed to me....but then that's not a technical issue.