After reading his original post, it's obvious he know hows to obtain the beta, and that he already has tried the beta, so I doubt he'll care much that you didn't tell him how to get the beta. He'll probably come to think of you as a creator of rude and useless posts though, just as I have.
I agree with what he is saying, that is:
Well, an example will make it easier to understand:
We all know about the fighters not disapearing when they're sold or switched over for bombers, whatever. And consider another new bug about Hysteria not stopping.
Everyone in the beta complains, "Fix the fighters, fix the fighers, fix the fighters, fix the fighters." So they fix the fighters, and release the official patch. Then people say "Histeria dosn't stop." Because nobody noticed in the beta, because there were more glaringly obvious flaws that distracted people. When the final patch is release there will still be bugs, there are just to many to get them all in one sweep.
Furthermore, I avoid the beta because it has so many game play flaws, mainly the fighter exploit. If they would fix just a couple easy thing* I would be much more happy to play the beta, have fun, and report what small but significant bugs I could find. I think a lot feel the same way, and the more people you could get into the 2nd beta the better the results. You don't have to spend forever making these easy fixes, just a quick fix and release it in the new beta, it is a beta afterall.
*By saying these would be easy fixes, I have some knowledge of programming, but I don't know how the game is setup. My guess is that it's simply programmer error. They skipped over a function designed to destroy those fighters when sold, and a few small changes could put that function back in and fix the problem. But again, I don't have knowledge of programming on such a large scale. I do know Blizzard games don't have minidumps.