It's time to bring the best space MMO ever to the best space RTS ever...
First question: is anyone else already working on something like this? If so what have you done so far? Would you like to collaborate?
Now I know that a game as complex as Eve cannot be fully incorporated into Sins... I just want to take the best elements and come up with a good mix.
I first want to go over the various aspects of Eve and hash out what we can and can't do in Sins.
I want to compile lists of:
- Frigates and Capitals Ships
- Fighters/Bombers
- Structures
- Abilities
- Star and Planet name lists
- Planet Types
- Planet bonuses
- Races
I'll compile this info here and expand to separate threads only if necessary.
I'd like to get community feedback first.
So? I know there must be at least a few former or current Eve players here.