I have downloaded and began to play the new Entrenchment expansion, and there is a lot to like, however, i have had an idea in the back of my mind for some time now, and wanted to try and figure out how to do it. Basicallly, i am trying to convert the Sins ships to represent chess pieces, and to limit the number of types of ships available of course, just like in chess where we have one King, one Queen, two Bishops, two Knights and two Rooks, and the eight Pawns.
I am trying to figure out first how to limit the number of types so that i can only have one of the power pieces, in effect i am figuring on using the Capitals for these, and to somehow convert the unique movement of the chess piece into some strategy using the abilities and weapons of the capitals secondly.
Once i can get the pieces chosen, and then somehow equate them to the uniqueness of each of the chess pieces, then i would limit their numbers. So a given fleet will not exceed the limit of each type and the overall number will be 16 ships that would represent the 16 chess pieces on the board.
This would be fine for one on one battles, but those involving a third or fourth race, (Pirates and the Other race) I would have to figure out how to make a map that incorporates an additional two rows (level of planets) that would accomodate them to even the board out. Just as if i added two additional rows for two more combatants in chess by adding two additional rows to accomodate them, leaving the center squares the same for all combatants.
Making a map to use as an approximation of the board seems a given, but the limiting of the types and the numbers of pieces appears as if i will have to go into the maxslots for the capitals and for the overall number of ships, so that will be tweaking the files.
My question is does anyone have any ideas on how i might accomplish this, or have ideas that i have not considered. I am doing this alone, so my meager brain sometimes seems i am far from achieving the closeness to an actual chess game as i would like, but i am hoping that i can approximate a chess game, if not perfectly of course, then as close as i can get.
I am just asking for suggestions and thoughts to help me see things i may of course not thought of at all. I am doing this for my own pleasure and not really considering a mod to release unless of course others might find this interesting as well.
Thank you in advance for the ideas and suggestions and your time, hope it sounds interesting to others, but even if not, i am going to give it a go for myself, just because Sins seems so strategic to begin with, that a chess analogy is almost obvious.
Thank you for your time and for listening,
Keep Gaming and Keep Modding!!
What i have so far:
Solar Empire Chess Mod:
by Teal and SemazRalan
Chess: Solar Empire: Movement: Purpose:
King Frigate 1 square Game revolves around King
Queen CapitalShip Infinite any one angle Most powerful piece in game
Bishop (Black) CapitalShip Infinite diagonale black only Trinity B-K-R value
Bishop (White) CapitalShip Infinite diagonale white only
Knight (Black) CapitalShip L-shape
Knight (White) CapitalShip L-shape
Rook (Black) CapitalShip Infinite straight only
Rook (White) CapitalShip Infinite straight only
Pawn Frigate 2 squares at beginning, Support. But also has added recapture ability
1 square thereafter.
Can capture only on diagonal.
Castle/Castling Special move of King and Rook to avoid mate or checkmate.
Je'Dup Adjusting a piece, declaration before touching piece.
So far, not very much, and the additional player races involved will offset the board more than i thought, as i will have to have two blank squares at the end of each side to allow for offsetting the other race. So my estimate is that the board will go from square 64 squares to an offset 64 plus 16 plus 16 plus two plus two blank squares to accomodate the two new players. Or 8 + 2 + 2 by 8 + 2 + 2 or 12 by 12 = 144 squares instead of 64. But this should preserve the center 4 rows each way to allow for the center battle area.
As for some of the pieces, i think the King should be a frigate, low powered, slow moving, (as per 1 square at a time). And the Queen and Bishop, Knight and Rook as power pieces as capitals. And a frigate again as each of the pawns.
At this point i dont know how i am going to come up with something akin to the Bishops being black and white, or the uniqueness of the Knight's movement. Or the pawn's ability to recapture captured pieces, such as the taken Queen or other power piece. In addition there is the fact that checkmating the King means the game is over, and how to tie the checkmate of the King to the loss of the planet, where Sins normally defaults to loss or win is something else i am not yet sure how to accomplish.
But just wanted to put some thoughts down and see what others may be thinking, or if there is some way to accomplish something that i am not yet seeing.
Thanks for listening, I will post some more ideas as they occur and when i can get back online.
Second Edit: this one is small and just occurred to me, as i talked it over with my friend. I am guessing the ships will have one ability, or one weapon, or none to approximate somehow the uniqueness of each of the chess pieces.