I was having errors in the beta 2 so i uninstalled Entrenchment. But then Sins wouldn't run properly, and entrenchment still showed in the add-remove area in vista 32. So i deleted the folders. I kept the 1.12 over on my d: drive that i had copied before the update.
Last night i started impulse and it showed both 1.13 and entrenchment in the my games area of impulse. I reinstalled 1.13 first and it was a rather long install, all night in fact. At a 7XX mb it seemed the transfer rate was extremely slow. But tonight after school i went on impulse to update to Entrenchment, but it shows as installed. How do i get impulse to realize that those folders are deleted? There no longer is an entry in add-remove because i removed it. The folders for Sins 1.13 is there of course installed from last night, but no Entrenchment. Is there a file somewhere? In the registry that shows it as installed that can be removed so it will recognize it is not installed and allow the update of 1.13 to Entrenchment?
This is way frustrating, and i am of course trying to figure out how to get back to square one and get everything installed to run the game. I dont mean to complain, i just would like to get it back on track again, that's all.
Thank you for listening, hope you can help, thank you.