Hey all,
Just played a rare game as TEC last night and realized that their neat little defence platform upgrades don't actually show up in any way on their info cards -- so there appears no way of determining whetherh these upgrades are doing 1 damage or 50. This has the obvious effect of making them somewhat anomalous upgrades. This is a minor 'issue', more of an oversight than anything else.
It mirrors a similar 'oversight' in the game with regards to the range of Starbases. Now, this is probably a problem with all units with multiple weapon types (i.e. cap ships also could really use this), but is most notable with Starbases. The 'range' that is displayed when you hold alt and mouse over a starbase is only one circle.. even if you have the three different weapons types, all of which supposedly designed for different purposes -- shouldn't we somehow be aware of a difference in the range of these weapons? I am not totally certain, and maybe someone else can check on this, but I also don't even notice the 'extreme' range of the missile weapons on, say, the missiles for the TEC or the psy-attacks for the Advent. It seems only logical that the highest-level weapons upgrade for starbases should be REALLY long range weapons which make sense of the whole fixed-defensive emplacement idea; these final long-range weapons really should counter anti-structure ships effectively, otherwise I am hardly entrenched against a few torp cruisers.
Final suggestion that I have to throw out there is that the inclusion of multiple banks has really made the tactics more interesting with cap ships and starbases in particular. However, there is no easy way to decipher the number of banks on a particular ship or structure, the way they are facing, or what each is firing on. It would be nice if there was some bank info on the unit cards, as well as some information depicting range and degree/width of attack range of each bank.
Hopefully these suggestions are noted, or the reasons for their exclusion may be detailed, because at present they seem oddly left out and somewhat irritating in-game.
Thanks for all the hard work Ironclad, I have loved what I have seen so far!