This is a long-time query of mine I have never remembered to ask: What is the point of leveling-up the carrier cap ship's 'microphasing aura' ability? The description states no advantage given to higher levels, and I can't seem to find the effects of it displayed in the info-cards of strike craft in range.
From memory, the first rank has a 20% chance every 4 seconds, second has a 30% chance every 4 seconds, and third rank has 30% chance every 3 seconds to micro-phase. It's something like that, anyway.
The Evacuator's nano-disassembler doesn't auto-target starbases like it does other ships. I don't know if this also applies to turrets/hangers, or civilian structures, or if this is intentional, but regardless it seems bizarre not to really prioritize the negation of SB's armor by whatever means necessary (this being one of the best). Not only should the auto-cast target SB's, but when they are in range they should be the top priority.
Auto-targetting is data driven by the ship's damage type and the target's armor type. Basically, the ship will pick a target it's best against first. It doesn't try to analyze "threat" or importance. And the abilities also tend to auto-cast on the ship's primary target. I have seen the eggy auto-cast on the starbase when it was attacking it, but this was also pre-beta 3 (playing a game with no capitals in 3).