Just taking a break from the conspiracy thread... not much happening there right now, other than Bernie Madoff is asking the warden for some Soap-on-a-Rope. Apparently he's not at all interested in a shower block romance.
Anyway, I've decided that I don't have a dirty mind after all... so I dunno that I wanna get corrupted by associating with a bunch of deviants such as you lot... dirty old men and women discussing phallic facsimilies, 'indoor plumbing' and sex toys.
Butt plug and dildo-speak is not something I was (overly) familiar with before accidentally stumbling in here... and I dunno that I want to become familiar with COCK rings or Vasari 'vessels' getting chocka blocka 'd by Domina Subjugators,neither.
It's rude, crude an uncouth to be refrerring to male and FEMALE PARTS like that, so I think I should pull up my pants and leave before this party gets any dirtier.
However, not that I'm curious or anything, but I might check in from time to time... to see if you have cleaned up your acts.
Hopefully you will. In the meantime, I've heard that a Sarah Palin look-a-like has done a porno, so now I'm gonna sod off to see if that's true... purely a a social research, of course.