Do I just have a dirty mind, or does the Advent starbase look like some kind of kinky sex toy? I mean, it looks like a cross between a cock ring and a butt plug. I mean, look at it. It's got a hole in the center, and it's got this "horn" sticking out of it. Looks like something you'd stick on yourself if you really wanted to show your girlfriend a good time, if you know what I mean.
Come to think of it, some of the names for Advent ships even seem sexual. "Domina subjugator?" Come on! This can't be by accident. I think the devs are messing with us.
So there are all these names for vasari ships (egg, etc). The vasari starbase will probably end up being called anything from an onion to a turnip to an eggplant to a pineapple. So what do you want to call the advent starbase? Any ideas?
"Buttplug of doom?"