Out of interest is there a way to make the AI use super weapons? It'd be rather handy to have them Novalith the living hell out of someone for me...
If you bug IC enough.. they were going to tweak the AI to use them at one point, I think for Entrenchment, but probably forgot More likely they were busy updating the AI with the new toys.
Gad. I hope not. The last thing I want to worry about is the AI developing a novalith against me. Thankfully you can knock them out by destroying military labs.
I have mentioned this too no avail. It seems to me that the ai in entrechment doesnt really no how too use all it's toys, or to deal with mine. Enemy Starbases fall way to easy....even on hard. The fact that the ai doesnt use their super weapons is a major oversite.
agreed, i never could figure out why hard/unfair AI didnt use superweapons....
should be fixed
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