Freedom, as defined by Marriam-Webster, is:
1: the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
So, then, exactly how do you wish to be free?
The carpenter wishes to be free to make what he wishes, and as he sees fit. The engineer wishes to be free to design what he wishes, and as he sees fit.
And the terrorist wishes to be free to kill those whom he sees fit.
And all without any consequences to himself.
Your entire OP is nothing more than wanting to be free of life, and its conditions, itself.
Freedom does not exist - period. We are all bound by rules. And whether those rules are imposed by a government or by God Himself - there is no true freedom in this world.
Because, as Newton's third law of motion points out, there is no action without an equal and opposite reaction.
Which simply means, for you to be totally free, another has to be totally subjugated.
So be careful what you wish for. You might just get it, but at anothers cost. (ultimately to be your own cost, with interest! - if the Bible is true and accurate)
If you only and truly wish to be free, the only option is death.