actually, as far as I could determine, the penalty IS only 25%. if you look at those carriers with enemy forces in the grav well, it will say 'strike craft build rate 75%'. that means it is AT 75%, not reduced BY 75%. this is evidenced by the fact that a light carrier under attack displays 38% which is exactly those 75% times the 50% you get when under attack (which was there right from the start and affects pretty much everything that can house squads). if you guys say even those 25% are too much, maybe because of a similar buff to flak, ok. I'm not a balance expert, but at least let's get the facts right. and I am pretty damn sure that I understood this correctly.
also, where do you get the info that 1.02 (talking about entrenchment versions here) changed anything? I checked the 1.02 log and it says nothing about changes either to flak or light carriers. big changes came with 1.01, while 1.02 was mostly fixing some issues like the emergency government upgrade and ai surrender. if somethat was in fact changed and it was not listed in the change log, then let me say, this makes me unhappy. then, either you publish rough changelogs without going too much into details or you publish everything and every balance change. but then, the past logs documented changes pretty well, so I'd be surprised if a flak buff got overlooked in the log.
now, if I am mistaken, please go ahead and correct me.