lol, i remember school used to be like that, the teachers and school councillor used to be like, oh, if you dont give them a response they'll go away, friggin idiots, they'd get the response from their friends and id still be screwed. so, what happened, all the pricks started insulting me n stuff, because they thought they could get away with it cause i couldnt punch them or anything
so, one day i just had a brain snap and punched this kid in the face, he went screaming to a teacher and said how i got like a run up and kept punching him etc...
luckily, this teacher was one of my Rugby coaches (its like Australian Grid Iron (but better) for all you Americans out there who dont know) so the teacher is like, i dont think he hit you that hard *Matt*, you are just lucky he didnt whack you into next week...
the little shits didnt bother me much after that
My personal philosophy (depending on the situation) is that i dont give a flying f**k if they are boy/girl, big/small, asian/lebanese whatever, if they have intent and ability to cause me or those i care about serious or prolonged harm, then ill beat the living daylights out of them, BUT if it can be avoided, then avoid it.
thats the problem, bullies think that because emotional scars are invisible, they can do whatever without repercussions... honestly, every bully needs at least one good beating by his/her victims once in their life