First i want you guys to give Jaylorpcs some MAJOR recognition. He pulled off the new builds researches damn near SOLO. Freeing me to work on other aspects of the mod. He deserves some major kudo's, and Karma. Freaking Outstanding!
Jay is right. Real life got the better of us for the moment. I am working, and have holiday commitments as do we all.
Research tress are done. They just need to be incorporated which will more than likely happen tonight.
Mesh issues fixed (miss sized bounding radius's), and miss sized shield meshes fixed.
Need to redo the mods music files. Removing all original sins references, and replacing them with only the mods music. I hate how IC did this for the record.
Dominion and Romulan factions still need rebalancing. Cloak needs to be added to ships that use it.
UI work is still in progress, and will be the largest chunk of work for 0.4e due to the ridiculous amount of UI textures. All of the older version of the mods UI textures need re-doing, because of texture corruption, and some ship slots have changed locations. New UI textures will be added to complete the mods LCAR's UI. I have to freehand draw some of UI in photoshop. Especially the hundreds of buttons. This is gonna take lots of time. Portraits, and ship pictures are going to be redone as well, because with some of the HUD, and build icon pictures you cant make out what ship it is clearly. So i am going to work on making them stand out more.
Was hoping for a christmas release, but i am not so sure now. Still have much to do.