First, a little introduction to the situation...
A while pack, I picked up Fallout 3 for my Xbox 360. This decision was based solely on the fact that my current rig wouldn't have been able to run it well, if at all. I've enjoyed the game thoroughly and, at the moment, I'm eyeing up the DLC packs so I can get back into it.
However, recent events have opened up an alternative. With a new PC soon to be had, I've considered grabbing the Game of the Year edition in October when they get the last bit out.
Of course, it's no secret that I feel, in terms of freedom of use, the PC version is superior. However, getting to the point of this topic, I'm still really wary of the potential for bugs, glitches, and other bad technical issues. With all of the problems I hear about people experiencing, particularly two of my friends who had to fight with it to get the game to work (And one of them still doesn't have it working), I'm on the fence as to whether I should nab the PC version when the DLC-loaded version comes out or just stick with it on my 360 and get the DLC there.
So, now that my issue's been detailed, I'd like to hear what people have to say. Mods, mod kit, user content, console commands, and so on sound great, but bugs, crashes, and a game that might not work to begin with sound like a great hassle.