I have discovered that if you have fixed quote formats, it messes up the quote formatting. If you start with a normal " [ quote ] " format, then have a complex [ quote who = "nyr blah man" replay = "xx" id = "xxxxxxx" ] it does not recognise the 1st [ /quote ] for some reason, and skips to the last [ /quote ].
This was discovered with IE 7. It looks a little different in Mozilla, but same issue.
In the spirit of communicating with users reporting issues as effectively as possible, the moderation policy in place for the 'Forum Issues' forum is much different from that of the rest of any forum. This forum isn't necessarily ruled with an iron fist, but more so a softer metal, like bronze or copper.[/quote]
This is an example.
Observe the background of this text. It shouldn't be in a quote, because you can see that above it I clearly have an end-quote, and below it features another quote.
Yes, we're working on giving the subforums more visibility. There is some red tape involved, however. If/When we get to do what we would like with them, they'll be pretty hard to miss.
Again, more example. Here is a result when you get many stacked
When an issue has been resolved, the post is locked following a moderator reply.
I couldn't find a link to the announcement thread in the popup when you click "read more."[/quote]This is in place to help moderators and developers move on to other issues and to help with organization.
blah blah
I'm going to the top of each forum page where the "Important: Forum Issue & Site Issue Categories Added" announcement is and clicking on "Read More".
[quote who="Bebi Bulma" reply="1" id="1871464"]Tip/suggestion/omgdonthurtme:
It might help if the site issues forum was actually listed on the main forums page since apparently people have a hard time finding it and you guys yells at us and then have to move things to the proper location.
nyr nyr
[quote who="Bebi Bulma" reply="3" id="1871478"]Is it just me, but I couldn't find the link to the actual thread in the announcement popup. I had to start looking around in the site/forum issues forums to find it.
It really shouldn't be doing this. Sometimes it stacks the quotes in a way that is kinda cool, but mozilla doesn't have this benifit.
Normally I would lock this post up and just leave it for people to read, but if you have something constructive to say on this topic, please do reply.
Obviously I stole this from the policy thread. I threw in "blahs" and "nyrs" to show that I should have comments on the above quote. Just to clarify.