Yes, because the majority of mankind is stupid, unwise, and doesn't pay attention during the "boring" classes. People haven't forgotten that fire is hot; but that doesn't keep them from doing tupid shite and burning themselves.
And the attitude that the future can go hang itself only points to sociopathic tendencies and greed. If our fathers hadn't thought like that, we wouldn't be in this mess; its not the end of the world. At least not yet. But if we have that attitude for the next hundred years we'll probably be boned.
As to the fact that we may have the technology soon... well, we have the technology to go over to bio-mass production RIGHT NOW. But the only reason we don't is due to the laws about hemp that are in place; leaving only non-viable crops and sources for it to be economically viable. All the DEA would need to do is issue permits for industrial hemp and *boom* clean energy, clean plastics, and no potential danger from nuclear waste*. But more so than that; technology that exsists won't always be implemented, whether for societal or political, or military reasons.
*The thing about nuclear reactors is that they aren't one size fits all; you can't build them all over the country, for economic as well as security reasons. What most states by and large rely on are more traditional energy sources, such as coal. Hemp has much much better energy potential than coal.
I Agree!
Also all the "leaps in science" are yet to rid mankind of the will to cause ill to others. Imagine September 11 attack was on a nuclear power plant or waste disposal site (currently USA stores waste at the reactor sites due to not knowing what to do with it).
Already there's many deaths attributed to nuclear, both directly (Hiroshima, Nagasaki, 3 mile island, Chernobyl), and indirectly - Take the troops killed in the middle east, not only a result of Sept11, but also on the hunt for "weapons of mass destruction"
There's many options for sustainable energy, but they yield less profit for the big parties involved, and cost more for the small parties (us).
The earth has the ability to absorb the carbon, in the ocean and plant growth... Sure it's damaging the climate, eco-systems and more, but slowly... When the oil and coal runs out we will have no choice but to go for alternate options, so surely now is the time to say fuck the coal and oil argument (after all, livestock is a major contributor to this too), that shit will run out anyway...
...and perhaps start to change the way we look at energy as an asset. For example here I sit burning coal to type on a PC. I could have an excercise bike with a generator to power this = less carbon emission (I still emit carbon myself while burning energy).
I won't be around, but Nuclear will destroy us all - science has developed fancy toys and a sense of invunerability in us. But science still is dumb as dogshit when it comes to a lot of things. Mankind reached the limit of intelligence the day we discovered such an incredibly dangerous thing.