I know that this has been brought up and explained befure, but the search function is sub-par. So sorry in advance.
Is there anyway to allow the militia of planets to create/spawn ships? I think this would have to do with the GalaxyScenarioDef file (for starters,) but I'm unsure of the mechanics of it. They already have resources, so is there a way to allow them to utilize them? Possibly with a structure which, for a price, spawns a certain amount of supply points worth of ship? This would bypass the need for research and such. Maybe I could set this to constantly auto-cast as the AI rides the short bus to school... anywho...
assuming that it is possible, how would I allow the militia to raid other planets? Could I set them to be a raiding or insurgent player???
designName "Militia19"
inGameName "IDSScenarioPlayerNameMilitia19"
overrideRaceName "Tech"
teamIndex -1
startingCredits 1000
startingMetal 300
startingCrystal 100
isNormalPlayer FALSE
isRaidingPlayer FALSE
isInsurgentPlayer FALSE
themeGroup "NPC"
themeIndex 21
pictureGroup "NPC"
pictureIndex 2