(Current DS RP)
A marine walks onto the bridge and salutes the admiral, "Sir, Alkaline Sanders wishes to speak with you."
Alexander shrugs and nods, leading to the admittance of Sanders onto the bridge. After a formal salute, Sanders begins, "Sir, I request allowance to set up a set of mounted guns in the cargo bay."
The helmsman looks back at Alexander with wide eyes and a smile breaks across the admiral's face. It fades momentarily and Alexander replies, "Alright, but I want my Sergeant at Arms to verify the ammo is frangible... and I guess make sure someone's posted at the door to keep my men out of harm's way."
"Yes, sir. Permission to speak freely, sir."
"Sure, go for it."
"Admiral, I've noticed we havn't moved in some time. The -Ue_ Corporation will be searching for the cargo. I recommend we maintain mobility."
Alexander nods, "Although I understand your situation, here's mine. We have a Vasari gate in front of us that leads to a Kostura Cannon. With that gate deactivated, we have no way of knocking out that weapon. Alpha Eras is, last we checked, held by a massive Advent fleet, which could just as easily secure Proxima Eras or move further in-system. Speaking of which, there are still over a million people down on that planet and we are their only lifeline unless someone else can arrive in force."
"I understand that, sir, but we can not allow this cargo to..."
Alexander rises from his chair, stopping short of bumping noses with the Alkaline, "Please go on to tell me how your precious cargo is more valuable than the human lives below. Go ahead. I would love for you to tell me why I should keep a box in MY hold out of one TEC ally's hand and in another's."
Before Sanders can speak, the helmsman blurts out, "Sir, a group of ships have jumped in. Four Kodiaks, all bearing -Ue_ markers."
As Alexander turns his attention to the projectors, another group of signals appear near the Kodiaks.
"What now?"
"Sir, it's a Kol with carrier support. They are turning towards the Kodiaks. Sir, I'm getting energy readings on all vessels."
"Hail all vessels," Alexander commands, "Tell them to hold fire."
"Hold fire. Repeat, hold fire," the comm officer blurbs into his headset.
Alexander looks to the Alkaline as he takes his seat, "Is this what you were worried about?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, too bad. Looks like that freighter of yours wasn't the red herring you hoped for. Helmsman, anyone dead yet?"
"No, sir. The vessels are still in proximity, but no weapons fire as of yet."
"Good, get me that Kol."
Within a short time, a voice comes over the comm, "This is the -Ue_ vessel, Horus. We have been sent by Paragon Xenon to assist the David's Lions."
"Good to hear," Alexander answers, "I'm Fleet Admiral Alexander Draakjacht and I'm running overtime on the bridge. If you will be so polite as to holster those guns and form on our wing, we can make formal greetings after some down time. How does that sound?"
The voice laughs for a moment before composing itself, "Very well, sir. We will comply."
With that transmission out of the way, Alexander has the Kodiaks hailed. Soon they too respond, "We are a dispatch from -Ue_ Iron Division. We are in pursuit of stolen materials last seen entering this orbit. Please identify yourselves."
Alexander looks over to the comm officer, "Polite aren't they?" Turning back with a grin, he says, "I am Fleet Admiral Alexander Draakjacht of the David's Lions. And... well, we also have some men from Xenon, Arnoldt, and a bunch of the Centauri. Really mixed bag we have here."
"Sir, we understand you possess -Ue_ property and request that it be turned over immediately," the voice demands.
Alkaline Sanders speaks up from the rear of the bridge, "Sir, we can't let them have it."
Alexander waves him off and replies, "I apologize, but I have already made an agreement requiring the materials to remain in my possession. Although I can not hand them over, you are welcome to remain here and ensure their safety."
Sanders interrupts again, "Sir, that is unwise."
Alexander laughs, "Pardon me, I have to speak to one of my men." He makes a gesture across his throat and the comm officer cuts the signal. Alexander rises from his seat and looks to Sanders, "Look, I'm not going to give them that THING down there, but I have to make a few concessions to keep this from spiraling out of control. So if you want to go sit on your box and keep it from floating off, you're welcome to, but I have to keep these guys from committing suicide in the name of duty."
"Sir, they will report tactical details to Paragon Iron."
"I'm perfectly comfortable letting them seeing as how where we sit tells them nothing about the Advent or the Vasari on the other side of this non-functioning gate. They know nothing by sitting here that they couldn't begin to guess."
Sanders sucks in his breath and makes a salute before leaving the bridge. Alexander turns back, sighing, "Geez, what is it with people right now?" He gestures to the comm officer and the signal is reestablished, "I apologize for the wait, but I am dealing with a rather large number of issues. As I was saying before..."
"Sir," the voice interrupts, "we are not leaving this gravity well without the cargo onboard one of our vessels."
Alexander shrugs, "Fine, set your parking brake and pitch a tent." He walks over to the comm station and reaches past the officer to disconnect the signal. After, Alexander heads towards the rear of the bridge while taking off his coat, "Lieutenant Commander, you have the bridge. If anyone does anything stupid, shoot them then call me. I'll be asleep until then." His words end just before the mechanical doors his and whir closed behind him.