Trader Space
3 Day's later The Ryes Wormhole
Oranos arrives at the Wormhole in his trade ship and asks to speak to the person in charge. He was granted permission to dock with the Star Base and was taken to the commanders office.
“So mister Oranos was it? What is it you needed to talk to me so urgently for?” The Star Base Commander asked.
“A business offer. I have come representing a group of people that would like to use this Wormhole.” Said Oranos as he sat down.
“Any one can use the Wormhole the defenses are for protection from an attack from the Advent or Vasari.” said the Commander.
“Very true but my people don't wish for any one to know they came thou here. There are people who wish to find us and we don't wish to be found. So if they come here asking about us we hope you could see fit to send them on there way. A way far from where we went.” Said Oranos.
“I'll have to ask Lord Ryat but I'm sure something can be arranged but how many ship's and how often are we talking?” He asked.
“ just once one way in to Distant Star's” Said Oranos
“That's fine but if your only going thou once its only a few ships right? Why would we need to tell any one looking for you that we even saw you?” He asked.
“Around 1300 ships.” Said Oranos.
“1300 SHIPS!?!?!?” He said as he dropped his coffee.
“You see why we need some one to say we went another way. Thou to ease your mind around 950 of the ships will not be combat ships” Said Oranos.
“Your not joking are you? 1300 ship's, we mite be able to work something out but it will cost you to keep 1300 ships coming thou quite.
“The Gross income of a Star system for one cycle. 25% now 25% when our ships arrive and the rest when we are safely on the other side.” Said Oranos.
“Well that's definitely enough but I will still need to speak to Lord Ryat about it.”Said the Commander.
“Two more things thou. One ½ the ships are Vasari. So I hope that's not a problem is it?” Asked Oranos as he smiled.
“No it probability wont be a issue whats the second thing?” Asked the Commander.
“I need to speak to a man called Roesh. I herd Lord Ryat may know how I could reach him.” Said Oranos.
“We will see. I will ask Lord Ryat about it.” Said the Commander.
“I'll wait here then as you ask him I need to know the answer before I head back.” Said Oranos.
“That's fine but it will take a few hours at least.” he said.
“Ok I'll be on my ship contact me when you have a reply.” Said Oranos.
“alright.” Said the Commander. Then Oranos got up and left.
6 Hours later on Oranos Trade ship.
The Ship comm's beeped. Oranos got up from his Book. He walked over to the comm and sat down before answering it.
“Yes Commander do you have an answer yet?” Asked Oranos.
“Yes I do Lord Ryat say's yes to your offer.” He said.
“Wonderful what of my question about Roesh?” Oranos asked.
“Lord Ryat say's you may have the contact info for the Roesh Free Trader's. After you have Payed in full.” Said the Commander.
“Great I'll tell my people. I'll transfer the first payment. I'm leaving for Home now. See you soon.” Said Oranos as he powered up his ship.
“Good to do business with your Mr Oranos see you soon.” Said the Commander.
Oranos Trade ship Jumped to phase space and headed for home.
8 Hours later.
Oranos trade ship emerged from phase space at Mellonos and headed in system. Once at Carta he docked with the station and walked to Kalder's office.
“ Kalder.” Oranos Said as he walked in and sat down. “I'm back call Shara I want to know whats happened wile I was gone.” Said Oranos.
Kalder waked over to the comm and called for Shara before siting down himself. Ssso how did it go?”. Asked Kalder.
“Great I found us a way to Distant Star's and Some one that may help us called Roesh. Bad news we may have to take a new home from Advent or Anti Human Vasari there, but we may find a uninhabited system its 50/50. Its the best I could do.” Said Oranos just as Shara walked in.
“Oranos your back how did it go?” She asked.
“Hessss Found usss sssome wherrre to go and sssome one that may help.” Said Kalder.
“That's Great Sir and construction is all most fished.” Said Shara as she sat down.
“Good how many ships?” Oranos Asked.
“343 combat ships , 4 Kortul, 2 Skirantra, 2 Antorak, 2 Vulkoras, 1 Jarrasul, 2 Kol, 1 Akkan, 1 Sova, 1 Dunov, 1 Marza, 10 Karrastua, 10 Sivskras, 10 Serevun, 10 Jikara, 10 Percheron, 10 Ogrov, 10 Krosov, 10 Kodiak, 10 Cielo, 10 Hoshiko, 10 Raloz, 10 Arcova, 30 Ravastra, 30 Junsurak, 30 Kanrak, 30 Garda, 30 Cobalt, 30 LRM that's our combat fleet all other ships where scraped for parts even the Hoshiko overseer's.” Said Shara.
“We had to we needed thous parts for the Cyro pods.” Said Oranos.
“Yourr rrright but itsss ssstill a sshame we worrked ssso hard on it.” said Kalder.
“True but its better this way we can't let the trade order know we can do that kinda stuff or they will hunt us for ever.” Said Oranos.
“Trrue if they knew we can combine Vasari and Human tech they would hunt usss for the knowledge.” Said Kalder.
“I want all of the info about thous ships destroyed we can let them know we had them me and Kalder came up with it once we can again from scratch if need be.” Said Oranos
“Yes Sir I understand” Said Shara.
“ We have enough ships for fighting but what of the people how are the other ships coming?” Asked Oranos.
“435 Protev Colony ships and 523 Jarun Migrator's are under construction. That's 958 ships. Almost all of them are done. With the Cyro modifications they can hold 10 times the number of people normally on one. That's enough for every one thou some are not modified so they can set up colony's as needed.” Said Shara.
“Very good Kalder any word on when the Trade Order will come for us?” Asked Oranos.
“Unfortunately yesss your intelligence people have all come home they have word the TEC will be herrre with 4 battle fleet'sss sssoon. They arre waiting on one person to rrreturn with the info on when.” Said Kalder.
“So we need to be Ready for them any time.” Said Oranos.
“Yesss it would sssem ssso.” Said Kalder.
“How is the deconstruction of all our orbital Structures.” Asked Oranos.
“Very well Sir we have them all down but for the Star bases guarding the star. The 2 phase gates and the Kostura Cannon as ordered. We have set the Cannon to over lode and explode if fired. Deconstruction of the city's is slower but coming along. We are moving people to the ships as fast as we can we have nanite's deconstructing uninhabited city's so even if we wont finish before we go they will for us.” Said Shara.
“Great send one of the Antorak's to the Ryes Wormhole Ready to use Stabilize Phase Space when needed. Have them open a node every hour to check in.” Said Oranos.
“Yes Sir.” Said Shara just as there was loud knocking on the door.
“Yessss Come in.” Said Kalder. A ensign rushed in.”Sir's theirs been a message from the intelligence division. The TEC fleet's will be here in 48 hours.” He said.
“Thank you ensign you can go now.” Said Oranos as the ensign walked out and closed the door.
“We need to get people on the ships now move the fleets to the star and get every thing ready we have 48 hours to get every one out safe.” Said Oranos.
“Hessss rright lesst get to worrrk.” Said Kalder as every one got up to go help things along as fast as they could.
All ship numbers are takein from in Game.(with one tec and one vasari player weith pack's. i was abel to bild a total of 1356 ships of the numbers and ships listed in post.)
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