i want to fly a PElican or at least something heavier than the banshee/hornet
i also want an EPIX battle with HEAPS of soldiers/tanks/aircraft etc. atm, Halo battles are relatively small, with like... maybe 12 contacts at once at any one time... the battle doesnt have to be winnable (as in, kill thousands of soldiers then walk away), but for once id like the scale in halo to be larger...
it shouldnt be hard, there was a pretty full scale invasion of Reach if i remember correctly...
id also like to go back to the days with more ammo and weapons that are actually worth a damn...
lastly, some more unique levels, like the final levels in halo 1 and 3...
id also like Bungie to stick to their... idn... promises for lack of a better tem... i was so psyched for Halo 2 after i saw the E3 release then when it wasnt in the game i got really pissed off at bungie because the level they replaced it with was CRAP!