First of all, I would like to say, after reading many comments here, that:
Wake up people! The world will not end in 2 years. You cant possible believe that, can you? If the gravitational Equator theory is correct, and we are indeed closing in to the Equator, then we would already be feeling the effects of it. If we are gonna be destroyed by it, at the year 2012, then there would have been heavy catastrophies by now. Scientists would be aware of it. 2 earthly years is nothing compared to how big the galaxy is.
In my honest opinion, we need to either unite as a people(Or at the very least, form a number of factions that are less that ten so it's a bit easier to find some common ground and eventually unite)
The world leaders, and big companies of the world would NEVER allow that. Like I said, its all about the money, and like LEADER Mk said, as long as there is money to be made, they'll be differences and such. Wars will occur, people will kill other people, steal, rape, burn, lie, decieve, invent new weapons of mass destruction, lust for power, lust for fame (fame = money), and almost every wrong that is happening in the world is because of our GREED for money.