NEED to nerf Skirantra Scramble Bombers!
To reitterate the NEED to nerf Scramble Bombers, I realized that my previous table didn't show the actual MAXIMUM number of squads, but more correctly the maximum AVERAGE number of squads. So I am updating it to illustatrate just how many squads the current Scramble Bombers can generate. Granted, the last extra squads scrambled are only present for 15 seconds (of the 35s cooldown, or .43 of the time). And Anima Tempest's 60 additional strikecraft (about 7.5 squads, 6.67 to 8.571) are only present for 75s every 180s.
The following table is the revised actual potential MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SQAUDS for each races Carrier Cap:
MAX # of SQUADS..............1.19..........1.18
Level 1....3.........4...............7...............6
Level 3....4.........6..............12..............8
Level 5....5.........8..............17.............11
Level 6....6........16.5..........18.............12
Level 8....7........17.5..........19.............13
(In other words, Carrier Caps start with 3 squads of strikecraft each, and level up to a maximum of 8. New squads are aquired at every other level, except for back to back at levels 5 and 6. But now a 1.19 Skirantra can have up to 4 more squads at the first upgrade, 8 extra squads at the second upgrade (as early as level 3). And up to 12 extra by level 5! So a maximum of 7/1, 12/3, 17/5 and one more at levels 6, 8 and 10.)
The level 5 Skirantra (1.19) is where it gets ridiculous - up to 17 bomber squads, or 9 more than a comparable Halcyon!
P.S. I checked my figures, with actual testing, and they are correct. The 1.18 average number of squads is the same as its maximum number. I still think, a simple nerf reducing duration to match 1.18 maximum squads would be adequate and easy!