Ice Bolt spell removed
New spell: Stab of Ice, short range spell, causes enemy to lose turn in addition to damage.
I take it that this is the prototype for the sort of thing you'll be doing with all the generic magical nukes in the near future? They could really all use some love.
The campaign really embarrasses itself in this regard in the preorder only get a handful of spells, and three of them are Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and Arcane Arrow, out of which Fireball and Arcane Arrow are 100% identical (including damage, cost, and element) and Lightning Bolt is differentiated only by being Air instead of Fire and costing 3 mana instead of 2 for the exact same effect. Doesn't really give people who are using it as a tutorial a great first impression of the magic system! Especially since you're never given shard-claiming technology as far as I could tell, making the lightning one 100% useless.
Of course, that's just the pre-release version, and there's plenty of time to work on spells post-release too. But for the sake of making a good first first impression in the campaign, I would highly suggest that you make sure that those three spells in particular are distinct from each other (or replace two of them with totally new spells) for the real Day 0 release, if you haven't already. You don't want "why are three out of my four tactical spells reskins of the exact same thing" to be the first thing people ask when they open their spellbook!