Ok, so I've just gotten back on Sins from about a year or so of not playing, and I suck. I joined a game as Vasari (which I don't have much online experience with) and did as follows-
Send out scouts
Build Egg and one Weapons Lab
Capture neautral extractors
Send Egg to 'roid then colonize it
Research Ice/Volcanic colonies
Research LRMs
Build 10 LRMs
Take nearby planet
Build 2 Imperial Labs
Build 10 more LRMs
Take 1-2 more planets
Build 2 Imperial Labs
Research Trade
Build 1-2 Trade Ports on each planet
Around this point, I find an Advent enemy trying to take a planet I was about to go for with a few drone hosts and a Carrier Cap with bombers, all the while being yelled at by my teammate (who was scout rushing...) for not doing anything. I send my fleet there and take most of his Hosts out and force him to retreat, then take the planet. I figure he must have more strikecraft, so I adapt my strat, and make some fighters of my own, and build some defences on the outer planets of my territory.
Build 1 Carrier Cap w/fighters
Build 5 turrets on each outer planet
Upgrade planet logistics and tactical slots
Build 3 Weapons Labs
Research Hangers
Build 2 Hangers on each planet
Research first 2 Phase Missile Upgrades
Research Repair Bays
Build 2-3 on each planet
Research Disrupting Nanites for the turrets
Research Carrier cruisers
Research Flak Frigs
I got to that point, and I see a small fleet jump into one of my outer systems. It was only a Mothership and a few Disciples, so I ignored it and let my defences do their job. They eventually jumped all the way to my home planet, which had a few turrets defending it and some ships coming out of the factory. Naturally, the Mothership retreated back through my defended planets, and eventually was destroyed. I felt a little more confident about beating him, until a medium sized fleet of Illuminators and a Carrier arrived at the planet I took from him earlier. He had distracted me. My fleet was 2 jumps away, and my defences were starting to fall. By the time they arrived, my planet was being bombed. The battle started to shift in my favor, but then a fleet jumps in from the left of the grav well. Around 20 more Illuminators and 10 Drone Hosts loaded up with fighters started to tear my LRMs to shreds.
I tried to pull back, but there was too many. I lost all my LRMs but managed to save my Egg. I jumped it to a nearby space junk field, only to find a star base waiting at the edge of the grav well. It didn't even last a minute. On the other side of the galaxy, my other two teamates are also not doing too well. Yellow (the guy being a dick and telling me I'm a noob...) has his side controlled quite well, but a huge fleet was amassing at a border planet of his, destroying his scouts and Colbalts like nothing. I guess that's what you get for scout rushing. My other teammate, Blue, is putting up quite the fight. He has a star base floating around trying to fend off a huge enemy fleet, all the while sending LRMs to support.
He falls after me, having 70 or so Javlies frigs destroy all his ships and his star base. My entire empire has been taken, and I have my home world to fall back to. I left the game just as Yellow was being overrun and telling us how shitty we were and that he was some sort of Sins god because he managed to send 80 scouts out in the first five minutes. My question is, what did I do wrong? Was it just a bad game for me?