...but if you aren't able to play on ICO during afternoons or evenings US time you'll have problems finding players...
I was able to play... mainly Saturday/Sunday very early due to the 6 ( east US coast ) and 9 ( west US coast ) hours time zone difference...
But now, it is not very important... most of my free time is used for make models for various mods...
That is a huge problem. Fix this, please, Stardock...
Well, a other huge problem is the "upload upgrade" button on the main menu... a lot of people click on it and since it don't work, they don't update their game ( who mean less potential online player on ICO )... maybe a patch who allow a pop-up windows when you click these button who explain about Impulse and how to update will be great...
Maybe add a new main menu button called "Forum" who send people here... will be useful for European distribution since in the Kalypso manual, the forum link is www.sins.kalypsomedia.com , a now dead site who forward to the Trinity store page...
The low amount of multiplayer people can only increase when these problem are solved... as today, i have 13 friend who own sins but only 5 of them was knowing about Impulse and was updated to the last version... almost none of them was knowing about Entrenchment or Diplomacy before Trinity was released...
Almost forget, when upgrade the european version using Impulse, player end up with the "string not found"... we need to manually rename the .str file or make a full english reinstall via Impulse...
Sins have a huge potential for multiplayer... 200000 copy sold the first month, 500000 in Sep 2008... sure that today, it is over 1 million copy... if only 1% was able to play online, it will mean a potential of 10000 online player...
Will be great if all these issue are resolved with Rebellion... a "upload upgrade" button who send customer to web page who explain about Impulse and how to upgrade... if Rebellion is sell with localization, solve the "string not found" problem who happen with patch... add a "forum" button on the main menu who send people here, the only forum with real Stardock support... waiting after the release of Rebellion will be a big mistake, solve it before release can only be good for a bigger online community with Rebellion...