Perdon Thoumsin pero no entendi el dicho (lo traduci con Bing)?
Stardock se puede tomar mucho tiempo para eso... tambien menos rebellion ya no se va actualizar a cada rato una nueva version. Tomandolo a mediano, largo, plazo
Well zombierus5 have compare the 1.21 version with the 1.34 and have only translate the difference with bing... since you have now a good 1.32 translation from, there is only a few line changed from the 1.32 to the 1.34
<--Added 2 string sets
Line 9738
Value "Valid serial not attached to account."
Line 16338
ID "IDSICOLoginScreenRecoverPasswordButton"
Value "Reset Password"
<--Changed string sets
Line 16328
ID "IDSICOLoginScreenIsAccountNameSavedCheckBox"
Value "Save Account Name"
ID "IDSICOLoginScreenIsAccountNameSavedCheckBox"
Value "Save Account Info"
Line 16320
ID "IDSICOLoginScreenManageAccountButton"
Value "Manage Account"
ID "IDSICOLoginScreenLogoutButton"
Value "Logout"
Since Rebellion will have everything from sins + Ent + Dip, if Stardock use already fan made translation for diplomacy, they need only to translate the new things added in Rebellion... fan have already made 90% of the needed work... so, it is now the time to plea for multi-language rebellion... Rebellion is not yet in beta, and will be released in around 1/2 year...
If rebellion is released multi-language, when patch are released only a few line need to be corrected/modified in the .str ... not really a big work...
Tambien hay que tener en cuenta que la gente supone que eso (el lenguaje español y otros, traducciones) las empresas de juegos ya lo saben. estamos en el 2011. la gente cree que las empresas chicas no lo hacen porque no pueden, y que las grandes no lo hacen...?
Well, when sins was released in 2008, nobody have think that the game will know so much success... It have take a few month for Stardock/Ironclad to find a distributor for European distributor with localized .str ( German / French )... The distributor have never translate any patch... so localized version have directly fall back to english due to patch... was the job of kalipso to follow up since we have pay them a lot more money that if we have buy directly on Stardock...
On the other hand, Stardock/Kalypso was more lucky with russian... Trinity ( called "sins gold" there ) have his own russian update from their local distributor in the form of localized exe archive ( no impulse involved )...
Well, for make the long story short, original sins budget was low ( 1.000.000$ ) and it have not allow in house translation... but today, with 2.000.000 copy of the game sell and that rebellion being somehow a pricey expansion with a lot of sale potential, i think that we can ask for in home localization... if for each copy of rebellion sell, 0.5$ is used for localization and that the game is sell at 1.000.000 copy, it mean a potential budget of 500.000$ for translation, more that enough... well, if they make Rebellion with 5 or 6 languages, it will generate a new wave of sale in foreign country ( i mean country where english is not the native language ) who will lead to extra income...
Problem is not about 2011... sins was released in 2008 on a very low budget without room for localization... Rebellion is a stand-alone, Stardock know their sins sales number and that sales will be good ( Trinity was somehow a test )... time that they increase their sale number by selling their game everywhere in the world with localization...