That said, replays alone are not enough - hands-on experience and practice with Faster speeds is essential - but the bulk of what I learn comes from watching replays.
This is what I am getting it...I can watch a replay and easily see a pro player choosing to lead with two Halcyons, build seekers+disciples, and not even bother with mil may be pretty clear why they did that because this is a pretty general strategy....
But what if the pro-player starts with a prog? Did he do it because he's a suicide player and wants to find a new HW near the center of the map, or did he do it because he thinks malice and shield regen will be useful? You can guess, but you won't ever really know for sure, especially if the guy never has to go find a new HW or loses his cap before it matters....that is a valuable thought process you cannot get in a replay...
Why is the pro TEC player building a bunch of cobalts early game? Is it because they'd rather hold off on the investment of two mil labs in favor of fleet size/colonization? Or is it because their neighbor is advent and they're afraid of that seeker swarm? YOU CAN'T TELL...and it's unlikely the player is going to put in their chat box "I'M BUILDING COBALTS FOR REASON XYZ"...
What lesson should you take away from that? Build a bunch of cobalts when you're near Advent? Build a bunch of cobalts when you need to invest heavily in colonization? Build a bunch of cobalts because, well, you're just that damn good and can get away with it??
Replays only educate you to a point...and once you reach that point, there isn't much you can learn from them...eventually it becomes less about learning new knowledge and more about execution...good players don't just know what to do, they know how to do it fast and efficiently....the difference between pro players and mediocre players is not so much their general understanding of the game, but how quickly and efficiently they execute their strategy...watching a replay is not going to improve your execution abilities in the slightest, only actual practice will (or hearing tips from the player themselves)...
It never bothers me to be beat by someone better than me and people whining about how unfair it is is just that--whining.
I agree...I've faced Qu4r, and I've lost...I've faced Auqia, and I've lost...I've faced HowThe, and I've lost....and it doesn't bother me in the slightest...skilled players beating non-skilled players should happen on a regular basis...any game that doesn't happen might as well be bingo night...but smurfing is more than that...whether I know I'm facing off against a pro, or whether I face a smurf doesn't really change anything for me, but it does affect the team experience as a whole...
In a balanced team game, I'm just as likely to be wiped out as the other teams noob...but smurfs can make one team seriously screwed when it turns out their two "noobs" are actually experts, and when the game quickly digresses into a 3v5 that affects everyone independent of skill level...
I apologize for what you about to read but its true
No, I don't think you are sorry...and I have never once claimed to be an expert at this game...I have openly admitted multiple times I am not a pro, I don't frequent ICO, and I am not comfortable with fast game speeds...I even said all those things in this thread...
Who wants to play with noobs that defend against howthe with a tec starbase instead of a fleet while howthe has scouted you ( KrdaxDrkrun). Yeah thats how detailed my knowledge is about u lot so make an effort instead of telling everyone replays won't help.
I think you are confusing me with KrdaxDrkrun...maybe KrdaxDrkrun did that strategy against HowThe but I most certainly never have...furthermore, KrdaxDrkrun hasn't even participated in this want to bash me? Fine...yeah I make claims regarding strategy and have done work on supposed "balance" mods...and if that really bothers you well too bad...but there is no reason to go bashing a player who isn't even involved with this thread and has in no way tried to "fake" being an expert or whatever crime you think I've committed...
For your own enlightenment, I played against HowThe once...we were in a 5v5, with me and him next to each other...he rushed me with 2 skirantras and about 15 assailants...he was 3 jumps from my HW with the last jump taking him across a gas giant (I could not colonize towards him as my only colonizable planets were behind me or towards the center)...I had colonized my nearby asteroid and ice world before he even began rushing me, and I thought I could colonize a volcanic world (2 jumps from my HW, towards the center of the map) before he would reach my HW...
I did see his fleet coming because I had scouted, and I knew exactly what he had....but I severely overestimated how long it would take him to get to me, partly because it had been a long time since I'd played with faster ship speeds...when he arrived sooner than expected, my Sova was still coming back from the volcanic and I had only about a dozen LRMs plus some scouts, not nearly enough to take on his fleet...I wasn't completely unprepared because I had 2 factories elsewhere pouring in ships so losing my original frigate factory wasn't a problem...I even destroyed a fair amount of his kanraks with arcovas (though the kanraks were being constantly replaced) and caused one of his caps to retreat...but alas, it was not enough...
I didn't have my sova there in time, and I got LRMs just a little too retrospect I should not have tried to get my fourth planet, and should have just focused on cranking LRMs as much as possible...I fully get what I did wrong and I don't blame anyone but myself...if I simply had summed all this up and said "I'm Seleuceia, and I'm an idiotic retard which is why I suck at all gaming 4ever and will never succeed in life," would it have made you feel any better, RiddleKing?