Quoting Destraex, reply 3
Heck it could be that we now get cut scenes for planet invasions and the like.
Reduced 60%
Original 944 x 530
thats not an invasion, look at the people, they are walking towards the ship
Correct. They are marching like soldiers not civilians. They are loading up onto the ship and will likely invade a planet once they reach their destination.
Of course as you say they may just be marching to the ship to clean it and then get right off again?
P.S. Can we have supply lines like I have used recently in wargame: european escalation. It changes the game a lot to have to resupply?
Then again with ships as huge as that coloniser (not), I guess they will never need resupply. Put them into cryosleep and wake them up when needed. I have certainly hated it how a ship can stay on station indefinitely blockading a planet while all its lines behind are cut. Also RAIDs should be limited by captured and provided supply lines.