I must say, this beta has been far more forgiving then when I had to go against over 2000 Vasari mines back during entrenchment beta. [e digicons]:'([/e]
That being said, I am loving it so far.
What I believe to be minor issues
Playing TEC Loyalist
While flying my Ankylon around, I created a fleet with 2 capital ships (Akkan and Dunov; mid to low level) with the Ankylon as lead. Since the Ankylon had such a long range of fire, especially when attacking structures, only the Ankylon would attack, while the other two capital ships would sit back.
I also noticed a delay/lag occur after I defeated a 1vs1 and was keeping going to warp to the other star to take on (and take a peek) at the Vasari planet. It lasted for perhaps a minute then returned to normal. I do not know if it's an issue but I figured I'd mention it.
Playing TEC Rebels.
The Ragnarov
-A similar problem as with the Ankylon regarding ships in fleet with the titan as lead, other ships (pirate cruisers) in the fleet would not close range with the Ragnarov's target all the time. The ships in the titan's fleet only seem to close range with a target when I target manually with the titan. But if I leave the titan to do it's own targeting, they just sit next to the Ragnarov.
-loves to prioritize chasing fighters over targeting anything below an enemy capital ship (planets, defenses, structures, sometimes cruisers, etc)
-while having her fly to another target, she would often stop just at the edge of her normal weapons range, and not fire. This would require me to move her just slightly closer before she opened fire.
-My Ragnarov did get stuck on my for a short time, but she worked her way loose without me having to intervene.
I noticed something interesting with the scout ships while playing the Rebels. They seem to get confused weather to target mines over trades ships. I sometimes see one go attack the trade ship while the other would go for the mine, then switch. Times explosives has not been researched. Personally, I believe that scout ships, when not scouting, should be looking for mines, and then search for other targets. A mine field cleared sooner is more important then the extra damage a puny scout ship would do in any battle.
Graphic Bug
I had one celestial body that just didn't want to work with me. Scrolled out it looked fine, but when I scrolled in, it was heavily faded, where you could only just barely see it. Scrolling in further you see the moon, but not my fleet. I have a screenshot with my mouse over one of my ships to show it's there. I also could not select my fleet at the location. I have a Kol ship as my lead ship, and it's hiding under one of the new capital ships, which I also show in the screen shot.
Since I'm not familiar with posting screen shots on the forums, I'll just sent it in an email with a copy of this bug and some screenshots and my computer info.
Would be nice to have a little more control over when you ally with pirates, when they come with more ships. I enjoy having them come for free, but it clutters my supply.