Well now. We all know this is an old vanilla strategy that worked for a while.
But now that rebellion is out again, we can expect a new spawn of this incredible strategy that a very known player supported well during the darkest times of the kodiak.
It could be qualified as stupid by most people but, as you will see, it is most definitly not.
Supporting the kodiak rush strat while its useless makes your oponents underestimate you,for a long time, too long time will say some, and others will say its still sheer stupidity, but no.
The point of it, is to make yourself seem so weak, and helpless, that once the kodiak comes back into da game, you will have the most experience in it, and will normaly rape em all. Well some would say i'm stupid, but yes its true.
Now an example.
This is very conclusive as we all know, the kodiak uses autocanons, we can therefor conclude, kodiaks are not lazor cats.
What a relief my friends! We shall escape ragnarok once again (exept if auqia suddenly talks, then we will know the END IS NEAR)
See, told you.
Now we can conclude that the kodiak rush was a well thought strategy fro the long term. The players using it during the dark times had their eyes on you!
Well, if anyone can furthermore explain to me how exactly this kodiak rush strategy plays out ... i would greatly apriciate it.