I've been playing the beta for a while and can't really figure out what to do with corvettes as they are now.
Yes an early spam with them works great but after that I need to spam a massive amount for them to be effective and that's just boring. So I was thinking why not make them bigger and not as cheap?
Something that have bugged me with Sins from the start is that the only ships that feel like ships are the capital ships. All the others are like specialised army units. There's artillery (Long range frigates.), standard infantry (Light frigates.), tanks (Heavy cruisers.) and so forth. I want to feel like I'm playing with ships!
I realise it have to be this way to make it a interesting RTS game so I don't think much about it but then corvettes came along and they instantly got me thinking again.
With corvettes there is a golden opportunity to have something like destroyers. Something in between frigates and cruisers that have more than one attack type. Just like the corvette. A weak long range attack, medium range standard attack like the light frigates and a weak anti fighter/bomber attack.
Put them at say level three technology to fill out the gap you have until you get a new front line ship (The heavy cruiser.). That would also solve another thing that annoys me a bit. It takes a little long to get the second front line ship.
Edit: Bah! I meant to post this in the Sins Rebellion forum. Can a moderator please move it there?