No. Entertainment happens with money left over after the necessary things in life are paid for.
In one breath you're saying you would like the DEVS to essentially give you another copy of a game because you don't have enough money to buy multiple copies of same as well as saying that they should care about your lack of funding for entertainment because if you can't play with people you want to (ie. have multiple copies of the game for use with one single purchase) you won't purchase anything at all.
That's exactly what I'm saying. In a nutshell, my lack of funds can lead to me being unable to buy every game I want. So I have to be selective. As a capitalistic society, it's in the interest of game makers to try to be the company that makes and markets the game I chose over another game made by another company for a less affordable price.
Quoting Azfaloth, reply 11
Quoting the_Monk, reply 10
Lastly, it was not a feature of the previous games.
Not a feature, but something I could do, so you'll understand if I show some mild signs of loss over what was in my ability to do.
I get it. While the town I used to speed my ass through everday didn't have a police radar trap I was enjoying a nice fast commute to work each day. Damn them for putting a cop in that town. My commute now takes an extra 15 minutes........argh!
It was, in the past of pc gaming, the tradition that one could put multiple copies of a game on multiple pc's the same household. It was a system that worked, and a system I liked. Thus, I don't see it as inherently wrong to simply request that the system be changed.
In terms of your analogy, If find it unfair and slightly sarcastic, which I don't appreciate. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I understand were exchanging thoughts and points of view here, but I figure we can do so in a kind way. I have already changed my view point based on some of the things said on this forum. But I'm only willing to do so when ideas are presented in non-offensive way.Take how Thoumsin argued his point, for example. He used direct quotation from the User Agreement and in a calm logical way. At the same time I could just be reading your post wrong, in which case; please let me know your intention, and I'm sorry.
But ultimately, I'll work with your analogy anyway. In terms of what I was saying, the system (in the sense of the standard in pc gaming) used to allow users to play on lan with the same copy. I'm simply regretting that change. While I understand that it isn't stardocks fault, nor do I expect anything from them, I still think I'm allowed to mourn the loss of something. Meaning that a more appropriate analogy would be a road that used to have an unmarked speed limit was one day given a speed limit, but not enforced, thus it's drivers continued to drive whatever speed they wanted. Then on an even later date, the speed limit began being enforced, forcing the drivers to take more time. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm one of the drivers who broke the speed limit even after it was initially place, which is technically wrong. In other words, I admit that I'm technically wrong. At the same time, going a half a mile per hour over the speed limit is technically wrong; but who doesn't do that. Now I'm not trying to justify one misdeed with another. However, in that example no one gets hurt, yet it's still completely illegal. So I'm not whining for stardock to change, and I hope I'm not coming across that way. In my initial post I simply had a question, and it was answered.
Since then I've just tried to explain my point of view a little, so that other people might understand, at the same time I've also grown to understand other peoples points of view.
I guess ultimately, (and I'll have to stop after this, and we'll have to agree to disagree since we probably won't see eye to eye on every point,) I admit to doing something technically illegal (i.e playing sins on two computers with the same copy) unknowingly. And in the future I will try not to make that same mistake. At the same time, I do think I still, as an human being, have the right to express the way I want things to be, even if they'll never become what I want them to be.
That being said, Sins is a Great Game, and I'm glad the developers have made it.
Furthermore, I hope I haven't offended anyone today and have expressed my views accurately.
Well I better call it a night, it's getting late here in my timezone and I have college in the morning.
P.S. Thanks to everyone for the free exchange of ideas