Just for fun, try this on your MAC ( a shell script, very similar to a .bat on windows OS ):
mydev=`hdid -nomount ram://$NUMSECTORS`
newfs_hfs $mydev
mkdir /tmp/mymount
mount -t hfs $mydev /tmp/mymount
this create a ramdrive with a capacity of 128000*512 bytes, format it, create a mount point, and mount the drive... result is a new drive who is faster that any other drive, a SSD is slow compared to it... for use it, you don't need to worry where are the data in ram, everything is handle by the system/processor... similar way with the pagefile system... devs don't need to remake a OS and use function already supported by the OS...
In the good old days of MacOS 7 one could easily create a RAM disk using system settings. And it was fast even then! Today though my C4D can use all of the ram so I never have enough of it it seems.
Nice batch nevertheless. Thanks you!