Hello All, been waiting for rebellion for so long!
Been playing sins since the beginning, love the team and the game so apologies if at any point in this my tone offends i am just trying to speak plainly no offense is intended. I have allot to say so ive chosen to keep it short and to the point.
If i am suggesting changes to the game its because i think they would just require editing a few of the existing parameters and not require reworking any part of the engine or designing anything new (except for one idea regarding ramming that is mentioned below)
FEEDBACK - Positive
- I love the new interface the way you still have your info on the left and the right when your in a research or other info screen
- Love the resolution and how crisp not just the units are but how the menu bars and icons are much improved
- Love the new jump vortexes and different for each race - im expecting the varasi one to be red, but considering that jump degradation makes the existing ones red ill be interested to see how different the vasari one will be
- love the new capital ships for both sides - although i think the 6th capital ship should be have been unique to each faction (ie 6 new caps and 6 new titans instead of 6 titans and 3 caps)
- massive improvements to weapon hardpoints/arcs and great attention paid cap and titan weapon ports
- love the new game modes i think that flagship should be your titan - what fun - it would end the discussion of XP carrying over to new titan because if it dies you die
- i really am loving the game apologies if i have not written enough in the positive section but trust me i really love this game and have played sins the original im just pointing out a few things
FEEDBACK - Negative
- I dont like when games just give you information from nowhere "our enemy has launched a titan" or "our enemy is building something new" - The activation of the interplanetary cannon warns you because of a subspace disruption so that can be explained away but i am STRONGLY opposed to the notion of just getting warnings with no exploitation when a enemy has built a titan. If you want to know what the enemy is doing send a scout don't get the information for free expand, explore encounter exterminate
- Very important - the big differences between the factions require research - factions should by default have set abilities for example the tec loyalist should be able to build 2 starbases from the start, its a core part of the factions philosophically and should not require additional research ALSO i feel that additional starbases should be a multiplier not just add 1 per sector - meaning suns can have 8 and wormholes 4 and planets 2
- Remove the special effects from special weapons - a good example is the TEC loyalist - they distract from the combat when zoomed in cant easily see whats going on too colorful, if you want to know what is effecting a ship you can hover mouse of it you don't need flashing lights to let you know what abilities and weapons are in use
- The titan special weapons that upgrade antimatter,hull and weapons i know that by limiting the amount of points we can put into special weapons it makes a more unique unit but since capital ships and titans get better hull antimatter and weapons as they level up there is no reason to waste a special weapon slot on something that the ship will do anyway as it levels up - i think you guys should remove the weapon damage and hull increase from the titan special weapons and replace with existing special weapons from each side. Let the weapon and amour upgrades happen as normal when it upgrades
FEEDBACK - Titans (love them great addition to the game)
- Titan special weapons- The titans should as well as having new ones should also have the best ability of the other capital ships - the TEC Loyalist one should be able to deploy weapon station like the carrier, even if not as a chosen upgrade perhaps it could deploy them automatically in combat as a tertiary weapon, i assume one of the vasari titans can create a phase lane?, one of the advent titans should be able to automatically see what is going on in all adjacent systems, or give the rebel advent titan animosity ect
- The best looking titan is the unnamed Vasari one - the wing shaped one
- Rebel TEC
- Vasari
- TEC Loyalist
- Advent Titans Draw
These titans - wow they sure do pack a wallop and as pointed out of you lose a high level titan and your enemy has a level 9 while you are reduced to a level 1 that it would be a bit of an issue but i don't agree with a titan carrying its experience over to a new ship (perhaps only for 1 advent side as a special ability) but i don't think they should all be able to do it.
Is ramming an option? Can you add an ability that would allow a titan to ram another titan - something that does say... 85% damage regardless of the ramming titans heath or level
that makes the titans more like queens in chess - you can sacrifice your best unit to get get theirs (the rammed titan if its a higher rank takes 85% damage it has to retreat or be lost in the ensuing battle?)
Option to launch titan eary/only partially built (less health)?
the titans rule of thumb for all sides should be the same as one of their races capital ship carriers with regards to max fighters/bombers
Titans are making the game more interesting but they are now required - you have to build one in a game- or do you? increase max cap ships to 24 slots have titan cost 8 slots but no keep xp when it dies. A titan is much more than even two level 10 cap ships - its silly that they only take two slots. By having them take 8 shots you then have a choice between a titan and 16 caps or 24 caps (also ive seen a few people complaining that they can no longer have their perfect configuration of 16 caps - while they could if you guys did this)
TEC Rebel Titan
TEC Loyalist Titan
- I wasn't a fan of the ship at first (because i was having too much fun flying around using rebel snipe) until i realised it wasn't the ship i wasn't having fun it...
- The special abilities require little or no management - i like ones that involve leaving them off autocast and using them yourself like shield restore and snipe. that way you target yourself where its most needed and not leave the computer to pick targets.... tec loyalist titan should lose 2 specials and replace with self destruct and deploy missile station. The old specials should still be part of the ship because its a great addition to the loyalist faction but they should be innate abilities of the titan and happen simply because the presence of such a dreadnought in a system
- seems strange to me that the best planet siegeing ship would be loyalist tec (all of its weapons hard points seem to be able to to target other ships when bombarding a planet all the other titans have some weapon ports that only face forward. I dont know if this is intended or not but i do love attacking a system and just park the titan beside the defending starbase (if its close to the planet) your titan targets the planet, destroying it while still using all of its weapons to attack the star base (wiith the other titans you have to take out star base then target planet)
ADV Loyalist Titan
- overall a nice ship - good specials i think it needs to be more powerful - higher starting off hull and more weapons
ADV Rebel Titan
- overall a nice ship - good specials i think it needs to be more powerful - i dont like the way there is no hull connecting the parts of the ship and im not a fan of the head/face at the top on either ship - i think it looks amazing real work and uniqueness was put into the design but im just not a fan of the direction the advent titans have taken
- My TEC rebel titan when set to hold position and target snipe the AI TEC loyalist titan that i am engaging sits in range for some of its weapons but its 8 laser/phaser are not firing - easy win for me
- cap ships used to appear in the order they where built on the left hand menu but now they can appear in any order
- snipe damage being inflicted before impact
- hey let me know what you need to repeat this bug but the hard ai - in a 1v1 will not us the wormhole- Edit - found the problem - if you have an occupied world or pirate in the system then the AI puts its entire fleet in the system next to that and does not acknowledge the wormhole as a threat - no combat so far and im over 2 hours in (we each have a wormhole connected to our homeworlds)
- occupied planet ships called TDN even though they are vasari
- when queuing up jumps - example a scout ship arrives to a undiscovered world with 5 trade lanes connecting i used to shift click to all the worlds but instead of arriving in the system and then jumping to the next one my scouts go to the planet in the centre of the system then jump to the next one - meaning they get destroyed before completing all the planets
- if this is a bug but its a fantastic one - please do not fix this - If you are attacking a planet - zoom in to a view behind your ship so you can see the nukes hitting the world and you alt tab to windows like i just did - then go back in after 2 or 3 min - none of the animation from the nukes moved so when you resume about 60 nukes leave the one ship at the same time and impact the planet - it looks amazing
- my tec loyalist titans phaser weapons keep targeting trade ships when im battling a fleet (i read there was a similar problem with rebel titan targeting fighters)
- when attacking pirate base only 1 in 3 nukes impact? sometimes the corner of the shock wave will appear
- hard ai not building 2 starbases even when set to fortifier
- Possible glitch - If the ai TEC Rebel are attacking a pirate base and they research TAR they just sit in that system and dont progress any further
- AI does not understand special weapons like invincibility on a flagship, if one of these is retreating a human player will stay close and wait for the ability to run out while ai seems to just switch to another target or its they are rogues or pirates they just return to their original position in the system
- Even if i just have a titan and nothing else in a system the AI will attack my titan with only 3 or 4 caps - even with no chance of winning the AI keeps smashing all its best against my hull
- AI titan attacking my repair centre - my titan jumps in the starts sniping, the ai does not recongise my titan as a threat and i destroy it, advent titan never even turned to face mine just kept targeting the repair stations edit another attack - this time my titan was in the system the advent fleet ignores my titan and only targets my repair centres - i have 12 of them at a moon EDIT that's 3 battles now my titan is just ignored and only targeted with secondary weapons from the advent fleet
- Capture planet game or homeworld game = vasari cannons unfair? all you would have to do is target it with the vasari cannon - that creates a trade land - jump the vasari fleet - the entire fleet destroy starbase then planet
- Hold position should keep ships from moving and rotating - example tec rebel ship parked outside of weapon range of a starbase sniping at it keeps moving away to target other ships in range, hold position should mean it stays facing forward
- when trying to get research achievement in whatever area while not researching x x x in whatever race if you research something then cancel before its researched you cant get the goal
All in all loving the game cant wait for vasari - it sure was a bit crazy when it was tec only and in a 10 player game the amount or raiders attacking because all players had it researched .
I had more to say but its 05.20 and im done for the next few hours. Apologies if any of the above has been posted before