that warm feeling is from the heat of their worlds burning in the Unity's flames (and I love that quote too).
while the corvette build notices don't seem as frequent, a potentially easy way to make them less intrusive might be to make their volume lower and overlay some static so its easier to tune out.
i dont mind the Discord's voice, but it may just be a pavlovian response to it's awesome debuffs.
To be frank, when I was poking around in the sound files before the Advent were released I found that the corvettes were too loud and high pitched for my taste (the Advent ones.). I did later figure out how to make it much more quiet, but when I started to play as the Advent, I found their volume to be much more acceptable. It also did not help that I had, and still have, no clue as to how to make a mod that I can enable or disable without actually altering the sound files.
No one panic.
I'm on the case.
I am not sure what to say. I am happy that someone knows and plays Dungeons of Dredmor, let alone knows where my picture is from. I am also sad that you are in the process of a genocide of my kind... Then again, I am guilty of the same act. Please do not rat me out!