In Beta 2, at least when playing the Advent and using the Explore Planet ability, the text message that appears when you discover anything indicates you've found efficient crystal miners (sorry, can't remember the specific wording) even if it's a relic or other upgrade.
Minor suggestions:
- The TEC Titan effect that creates a huge green expanding spherical blob is over the top visually. Adding a bit of transparency or toning it down a bit would make it a little less obtrusive.
- This one may be invalid: At least the Advent capship Progenitor momship and Halcyon carrier AI does not appear to be optimal when ordered to attack a single target. It "seems" from the visual that the behaviour that forces it to turn on its side and attack from a distance does not bring as many guns to bear as a straight-on attack. I'm not sure if this is true from a raw damage-per-second perspective, but visually it doesn't make sense that the ship stops and fires half its weapons when a frontal assault looks like it allows more weapons to come to bear. It's also a disadvantage when a capship enters a large cluster of enemies because it auto-turns when it enters combat range of the first group of enemies and, when enemy ships within its range are destroyed and you want it to move forward to engage the next batch, it has to turn again to re-face them and lose some precious seconds in the process. Broadsides are visually appealing, certainly, but not when they cut down on the number of weapons that you can fire.
Will probably have a few more comments later as I continue to play.