I have a few to add:
1) VLT passive isnt stacking correctly (possibly not at all), it seems to get stuck at the first level.
2) This is more of a feedback sort of thing, the cooldown on the phase stabilizer spawn for the VLT is way too long if you're actually razing planets as you go. I played a game like this the other day, it makes it really hard to call in reinforcements unless you wait a really long time or you have captured planets build phase stabilizers and wait to raze it.
2a) If possible, make the spawned phase stabilizers stick around longer/at all after razing a planet.
3) VRT; the ability that is disabling (dependant on ships being affected by nano leech) seems to be inconsistently working. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesnt, haven't been able to see a pattern or particular set of circumstances that causes this. It's possible that it's showing up when there is a titan in the enemy fleet, but I'm not positive about that. I'll keep an eye out for it.
4) Vasari loyalist Dark Armada ability doesnt display resource/credit cost for the combat and support fleets.
5) The VLT insta jump in-grav well will only let it jump if the circle portraying the end location of the titan is within the range of the ability. You cannot move it to the edge of the ability radius or it claims 'target is not in range'. This makes it difficult to quickly jump to the max radius of the ability, you have to line it up more precisely to get as far as possible.
5a) Opinion, the in-grav jump is awesome, but not worth taking more than the first level (unless it has been changed in ways I dont know of). An additional buff would make it more worthwhile, maybe a 20 second increase in speed and turn rate, or an AOE damage effect on nearby structures/ships.
6) Last, The Maw. So far this doesnt seem to quite have the advertised effect. It pulls in some frigates, but only about 5, and they tend to stop in front of it and not get destroyed. If the frigates are already very close to the front of the titan the ability doesnt seem to do anything at all. I havent used it extensively but the couple times I have, I've noticed this.
Just a couple of balance issues I see coming and some possible fixes/solutions.
The Vas Rebels being able to jump a fully upgraded SB into an enemy gravity well is INSANELY overpowered. Ive been able to waste entire fleets at their own planets with just the SB and a couple of capital ships. This requires 0 fleet supply research (just build the SB and then build another cap at normal fleet supply). My solution would be this: remove the colony pods ability and make the jumping ability a 2 tier upgrade in its place. The first tier would increase movement speed and turn speed by 10% or so. The second tier adds the ability for the SB to phase jump. This takes away from being able to fully upgrade its weapons or armor and have it able to jump.
Second, the Vas Loyalists have a huge tipping point in their game. As soon as you get to the point where you can strip your planets without losing (once you have a Titan basically) you are awarded with an absolutely stupid amount of resources. For example, I played a game the other day where I had 5 planets and my HW. 2 volcanic, 1 ice, 1 asteroid, 1 dwarf planet, 1 homeworld. After stripping all of them I had around 70,000 credits, 40,000 metal, and 35,000 crystal. This (although mitigated by research rates) basically allows you to tech up and fleet up at an insanely fast rate. In addition, with the different Dark Armada abilities, you can suddenly have a massive fleet (sometimes with ships you dont even have the research for) and just start to steamroll anything in your way. My suggestion for this is to pro-rate the amount of resources/credits you get from razing a planet by the % upkeep you have based on fleet supply.