yes foukem thats what i mean , the only way we are going to get to play as the third faction is when the game is released, now i could be wrong but the way things are coming along it would not suprise me one bit.
I'm sure there is significantly more difficulty getting the Vasari working internally. Not only that, but such wide-spectrum abilities such as The Maw or Nano Remit which instagibs all frigates in the area and converts them into resources and gives the Kultorask near infinite hull regen respectively would be nigh impossible to balance. At this point, it's fairly obvious, don't bring frigates to battle with the Vorastra. They WILL get eaten. As for the Kultorask, the only way to kill it may be with bomber spam with a titan. Anything else and it can just regen any damage it takes. Then there's the whole loyalists munching on planets thing and go completely mobile.
Yarlen really is online a lot though and reads whatever he can, he just doesn't respond to most things because he doesn't want to interfere and when devs post, they get all sorts of "hey, since you're here, why don't you do this" posts. He just lets things simmer. In the game I'm a dev of, the devs spend so much time on the forums that that doesn't happen, but that's because we're all in college and have the time. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Yarlen's some really common forum poster with two accounts so he can make personal statements as well as official ones.
So there was a phase stabilizer "issue" and the Vasari armada is stuck on the other side of known space. Vasari techs are hard at work on it, but they're waiting for parts to arrive, so it's probably going to take them a week to show up.
Good to hear.
I'm assuming then that they were slated for earlier but some bug/crash cropped up that halted development of them. From the sounds of this though, it looks like the bug has at least been found.