so let's say that i have a group of iluminators and i want them all to use there illusion ability at the same time is there any way i can do this other then activating the auto cast? cause that doesn't always work when and where i want it to. if there is no way though key binds would my best bet to just get more used to stacking and unstacking the empire tree and tabbing though the units to activate the abilities?
this is a valid point.. is there no way we can have a like Shift click on ability and it will use the ability with all the same selected units i know it would guardian micro so much easier when im microing like 3 other ships. ima go make a post about this and another idea i got
No im afraid you just have to press pause and press them 1 by 1
I don't know about you guys but if you press ALT and select 1 illum it then it selects all of them. Then press the ability --but I have never tried this so it may work or it may not. Works when turning on auto-attack for scouts.
nopes. yeps. alt click an illum, but then you gotta tabqtabqtabq to get them all to use the ability.
or suicide scouts.
or democharge scouts.
not sure about charging missles or cluster warheads.
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